Trash Cooperativa
Competition: Bottom-Up organized by the EME3 Festival, Barcelona
2012/ Barcelona, Spain
Trash Cooperativa is envisioned as a multifunctional cooperative public space fully designed and built of discarded objects and materials. The project is inspired by the neighbors’ motivation to preserve the square and add activities that promote integration of everyone involved. Our proposal is centered towards the public garden given its proximity to the site and its meaning. It is intended as an extension to the current activities and lifestyle of the neighborhood.
As stated above, the main materials used are discarded objects and materials. The key element of the project is a communal kitchen, built from a 20' intermodal container. To create the entrance of the kitchen one side is cut open and serves as main the access point. Using wooden pallets, the kitchen elements are created (plastic crates are used as drawers and barrels as washing utility) and the bar. All the exterior furniture is also created using wooden pallets and metal bars or metalux elements. To create the cover around the kitchen, we have used patches of PVC advertising banners (full-mesh and mesh in order to give a more dynamic shade) tied with ropes in a matrix that creates modules for adjustment of the shape and size of the cover. To secure the cover we have used metallic poles and bases created from car tires and cement.
The primary purpose of Trash Coperativa is to serve as a meeting point of the neighbors, a place to cook together and organize joint meals or clean the fruits of their garden. The secondary purpose is to be used as the place where they would have their regular workshops on compost making and gardening. The final purpose is to be used for organizing communal events and celebrations, such as the “fiesta del barrio”, a weekly market for selling the garden produce or other celebrations. Alternatively it can be rented to other organizations.
The whole object is designed in a way that all its elements can be reorganized to meet the needs of different events or uses. The community will not need to procure any additional furniture or material to support their daily activities. We see this project as an shared space that will encourage and strengthen the neighborhood activities and will give purpose to the space. It is to serve as a base and incentive for them to develop more activities and add content. Ultimately, it can serve as a selfsustaining space that will generate income, and thus support other activities and projects.